Monday, February 11, 2008

Gunna be a long week

well I still have a sick kid. starting to worry now that maybe there is a partial blockage. We will see how he wakes up, but I have got all the housework and washing done just to be sure. At least if I have all that done I know that all is sorted out here and one less thing to worry about. Plus the added bonus that if I am organised He will be ok and no hospital stay needed. I know jaded, but thats the way it seems to go. you know murpheys law and all that.

I dont want the inlaws to know about trent, cause they are due to go down south next week and i dont wnat to be responsible for them not going and then the lad be ok.... good grief I would never hear the end of it.

with him getting over a virus I know the docs wont take it seriously anyway unless he gets really bad, so I am a bit hesitant in taking him up there. You kind of get a bit sick of being told its in your mind I dont know how a kid can make these things up!!! my guess he must be a bloody genius if that's the case. Yes He wants to miss out on having fun, he really loves it when other kids leave him out of things, oh and my fave he just really, really loves being in pain!!! bloody doctors need a bloomin bushsell lit under their arses before they ever do anything. cant half tell I am living on no sleep. lol.

anyway best get back to the washing so i can pack the bags, who knows with luckI can just unpack it again in a couple of days. fingers crossed.

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